INITIATE project held its first Study Visit to its project partner Swerim ABs pilot plants, on Friday 17th February in Lulea, Northern Sweden.  

As a synergy project, CORALIS participated in the visit, and especially in a knowledge-sharing session with Retrofeed and A.SPIRE in the form of an informal pitch meeting to encourage knowledge-sharing and collaboration among participants.  

This Study Visit aimed to share INITIATEs results so far with various stakeholders interested in the project’s demoscale machinery as well as in industrial symbiosis, carbon capture and utilisation, and the significance of carbon capture and storage in reducing climate change. The visit hosted around 20 professionals and researchers from all over Europe and, among other things, featured three lectures on the energy transition by Paul Cobden from Swerim, Earl Goetheer from the Delft University of Technology and Kevin Rouwenhorst from the Ammonia Energy Association. 

To find out more, click here.