European Aluminium
Brief Description
European Aluminium, founded in 1981, is the association that represents the whole value chain of the aluminium industry in Europe.
We actively engage with decision-makers and the wider stakeholder community to promote the outstanding properties of aluminium, secure growth and optimise the contribution our metal can make to meeting Europe’s sustainability challenges.
Through environmental and technical expertise, economic and statistical analysis, scientific research, education and sharing of best practices, public affairs and communication activities, European Aluminium promotes the use of aluminium as key enabler to achieving sustainable goals, while maintaining and improving the image of the industry, of the material and of its applications among their stakeholders.
In 2015, European Aluminium has established an Innovation Hub for better connecting the European Aluminium industry to the research community. The Innovation Hub is a collaborative community committed to making aluminium a key enabler of Europe’s transition to a sustainable society.
Currently, 15 companies and 2 groups of companies, focusing on Buildings and Transport applications, respectively, are directly engage into the Hub. The innovation hub has published a mapping document highlighting the main R&D challenges along the value chain.
Through its involvement into SPIRE activities, the Innovation Hub is strongly committed to promote and to enable industrial symbiosis. Currently, the Hub is directly involved in the EU H2020 projects namely RemovAL and ReActiv dealing with the use of bauxite residues by other sectors, e.g. cement and construction sectors, under the overall concept of Industrial Symbiosis.
Main tasks and responsibilities within the project
European Aluminium will be mostly in charge of transferring and testing the key findings, tools and indicators towards the European Aluminium Industry, especially in the context of industrial symbiosis project where the aluminium companies are directly involved like in the RemovAL project. This activity will include the organisation of one or two workshops with the European Aluminium Industry.
In addition, European Aluminium will disseminate the key CORALIS results towards its members via various channles, e.g. presentation at its events or information within its internal and external newsletters.