New publication based on CORALIS: “Facilitator roles for knowledge sharing in industrial symbiosis”
A new scientific publication authored by Katrin Katana, Besma Glaa, and Murat Mirata from Linköping University examines how different facilitator roles support knowledge sharing in
New publication based on CORALIS: “A Business Value Framework for Industrial Symbiosis”
Our project partners from Linköping University have just released a CORALIS-based scientific publication titled, "A Business Value Framework for Industrial Symbiosis," authored by Murat Mirata,
CORALIS work on IS opportunities identification mechanisms (D3.1)
Deliverable 3.1: Mechanisms for the identification of IS opportunities, by our project partner RISE, aims to analyze the three CORALIS demonstration sites and focus
CORALIS work on identifying industrial symbiosis success and deterrent factors (D2.5)
Deliverable D2.5 Industrial Symbiosis success and deterrent factors by our project partner Energieinstitut an der JKU /Austria (EI-JKU) summarizes the public results of the CORALIS
CORALIS work on the development of business and contracting models promoting IS (WP4)
The development and adoption of effective and efficient managerial dynamics, business models and governance mechanisms is essential in supporting successful emergence and stable and long-term
CORALIS work on stakeholder engagement for IS (D8.4)
The pursuit of sustainable and circular solutions through industrial symbiosis is crucial in today's rapidly evolving world. Industrial symbiosis involves industries collaborating to exchange resources,
CORALIS WP10: Boosting exploitation and replication of the project results (project status updates)
WP10 objectives The general objective of WP10 is to ensure the exploitation and replication of all the knowledge, methods and technical results obtained from the
CORALIS WP9 Impact assessment and lessons learnt of the demonstrators (project status updates)
WP9 objectives This work package has two main objectives. One is to work with impact assessments from the environmental and economical perspectives, this is done
CORALIS WP8: Guidance and roadmapping for IS uptake in the Follower areas (project status updates)
WP8 objectives WP8 aims to demonstrate CORALIS approaches in three industry regions and facilitate stakeholder mobilization for industrial symbiosis. A techno-economic study will assess a
CORALIS WP7: Demonstration activities in Brescia (project status updates)
WP7 objectives The main scope of the WP7 is to demonstrate a regional level industrial symbiosis case among cross-sectorial companies in Brescia, enabling the recovery
CORALIS WP6: Demonstration activities in Frövi (project status updates)
WP6 objectives The overall objective of WP6 is to bring into full operation a full-scale 10-hectare greenhouse, supplied with low temperature waste heat from a
CORALIS WP5: Demonstration activities in Escombreras Industrial Area (project status updates)
WP5 objectives The aim of the demonstration activities in Escombreras is to readapt the current fertilizer production process in QSr (currently producing KNO3, Ca(NO3)2, Mg(NO3)2,