İstanbul Mineral and Metals Exporters’ Association


Brief Description

General Secretariat of Istanbul Mineral and Metals Exporters’ Association (İMMİB), founded in 1986, is a semi-governmental and non-profit organization.

İMMİB, carries out an outstanding role representing around 22.000 members who produce and/or export almost all kinds of minerals, natural stones, chemicals and chemical products, ferrous and nonferrous metals, electrical/electronics, cosmetics, jewellery and many more.

Thus, İMMİB is composed of 7 Exporters’ Associations, which are;

  • Steel Exporters’ Association (ÇİB)

  • Istanbul Mineral Exporters’ Association (İMİB)

  • Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters’ Association (İKMİB)

  • Electrical and Electronics Exporters’ Association (TET)

  • Jewellery Exporters’ Association (MİB)

  • Services Exporters’ (HİB)

  • Istanbul Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters’ Association (İDDMİB)

The main activities of İMMİB are as follows:

  • Export Registration;

  • Trade Promotion and Development;

  • R&D, Innovation and Design Activities;

  • Economic Research and Reporting;

  • Consulting;

  • Coordination and Public Relations;

  • Training;

  • Publication;

The main areas in which İMMİB is carrying activities and taking part in projects in order to increase competitiveness level of the members are as follows:

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Vocational Education;

  • Industrial Design;

  • Green Economy and Sustainability;

  • Circular Economy;

  • Clustering and Industrial Symbiosis;

  • R&D and Innovation;

  • Corporate Social Responsibility;

  • Competitiveness of SMEs

Main tasks and responsibilities within the project

The role of İMMİB is the identification of the required stakeholders (not only industrial ones, but also local/regional authorities, industrial associations), the market analysis, and support to the definition of business and managerial models towards industrial symbiosis, as well as on horizontal exploitation and dissemination activities.