CORALIS and INITIATE are hosting a joint online workshop on 26th September 2022, at 10:00-11:35 am CET to discuss methodologies for techno-economic assessments.
Techno-economic assessment is a common approach to identify innovative technologies’ potential with regards to the “business as usual” approach. Starting from the key performance indicators (KPIs) definition, the calculation of the different parameters will be described together with modelling tools that can support the analysis.
Check out the agenda of the workshop here.
Register to the workshop here, and you will soon receive the link to the meeting.
The INITIATE project, “Innovative industrial transformation of the steel and chemical industries of Europe”, started in January 2021 and aims at demonstrating industrial symbiosis by using residual carbon-rich gas from the iron and steel industry as a valuable feedstock for the chemical sector. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 piloting combines the continuous production of N2 + H2 and CO2 streams with the innovative ammonia production as a precursor for urea, to be used as fertilizer and AdBlue®.