WP3 objectives
WP3 focuses on industrial symbiosis (IS) solutions, examining them from their early stages through three distinct perspectives. These include:
- General Guidelines: Providing a general framework for approaching IS solutions.
- Expected Environmental Impacts: Evaluating the potential effects of an IS solution on the environment.
- Technoeconomic Evaluation: Assessing the economic feasibility of the IS solution.
Additionally, a common platform has been developed to facilitate information sharing related to IS. The work draws from available field information and specific steps taken by the lighthouses in these areas.
WP3 status
WP3 has nearly completed most of its activities, with the exception of fine-tuning the common platform. Drawing insights from the experiences of lighthouses and leveraging existing information on industrial symbiosis, guidelines to address any potential IS, covering aspects from the general, environmental, and technoeconomic perspectives have been developed. For more details, check out:
D3.1 Mechanisms for the identification of IS opportunities (PU)
D3.2 Guidelines for technoeconomic assessment of IS projects (CO)
D3.3 Methodology for emission and waste accounting in an IS system (CO)
D3.4 IoT Platform and cyber-security mechanisms (CO)
D3.5 Platform for IS development – beta release (CO)
WP3 next steps
The upcoming steps involve integrating the findings from these activities into the remaining project tasks. Additionally, we will finalize the handbook, which will outline guidelines for the entire life cycle of an industrial symbiosis (IS) project, facilitating the development of IS solutions.