WP9 objectives
This work package has two main objectives. One is to work with impact assessments from the environmental and economical perspectives, this is done by Life Cycle Assessments, where the environmental impact from the systems is assessed before and after the symbiosis solutions were implemented, and Life Cycle Cost Assessments, which instead assesses the economic impact of the symbiosis implementation.
The other main focus is to gather the lessons learned of the demonstrators regarding managerial procedures, business models and technology, evaluate these and create an inventory of ‘best practices’ towards industrial symbiosis.
WP9 current status
Task 9.1 on Demonstration activities coordination and evaluation framework is finished, where the main outputs are the SFMEA method (symbiosis failure mode and effect analysis), and the Industrial Symbiosis Readiness Level Matrix (ISRLM). Both these tools are process tools that aims to facilitate symbiosis development and operations.
In Task 9.2 on Life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of the implemented solutions in the Lighthouse demonstrators, the LCA and LCC work is currently on-going at the modelling stage.
Task 9.3 on Solutions cross-sectorial replicability is in the middle of the process of creating a portfolio with technologies suitable for symbiosis development. The aim of this work is to present a wide range of technologies at different TRLs, in a useful way so that a user can decide whether this specific technology holds potential to contribute to a specific IS concept.
Task 9.4 on Assessment of business and contractual models and managerial procedures and tools is still quite early on in the process of gathering lessons learnt regarding managerial procedures and business models. Eventually, this work will provide an important summary of good practices to feed forward from CORALIS.
For more details, check out:
D9.1 CORALIS Framework for demonstration activities evaluation and coordination (CO)
D9.2 Follow-up report of CORALIS demonstration sites (CO)
WP9 next steps
The main focus is to complete the impact assessment work, i.e. the LCA and LCCs, compile the portfolio of technologies suitable for industrial symbiosis that hopefully can be of relevance for many industrial sectors also outside of CORALIS, and continue to gather the lessons learnt from the demonstrators and develop an inventory of good practices that facilitates symbiosis developments.