Publishable summary:
This deliverable aims to address the ethics issues which may raise due to related activities within CORALIS project. CORALIS activities include the participation of external agents both in terms of recipient of dissemination materials and as beneficiaries in the project.
As a general overview the following actors will be involved within the project activities:
• Stakeholders interested in the project
• Entities to deliver dissemination materials
• Attendees to project events (workshops, conferences, etc.)
• Selected Beneficiaries for promoting value chains
In this sense the following tasks may be related to ethics issues:
• Task 2.2: This task will set-up Community of Members (CoM) in each CORALIS demo case. All the CoM will prepare an outline that will include a comprehensive list of stakeholders, their characteristics and the envisioned engagement activities and / or requirements for trainings and cross-fertilisation and a vision to outline the future IS practices. The outlines will be the basis for each CoM’s strategy and roadmap development as well as for project replication and exploitation. After stakeholders characterization and an IS vision definition workshop, the task will produce a report containing a profile of each CoM, stakeholder mapping and identified cooperation/cross-fertilization matrix.
• Task 2.4: The situation before implementation of the IS will be analysed, the costs in the benchmark are to be derived and the suppliers and disposal companies of energy and resources are identified. Node schemes of energy and resource flows show the intensity of networking and its vulnerability to failures (and thus backup requirements). This is essential to be able to present the economic benefits holistically and to identify stakeholders and their attitudes. In a second step, the existing or targeted IS are categorized according to the literature. Prevailing success factors and overcome barriers are presented and will be compared with the other similar cases at EU level, in order to identify which measures have been already implemented in cases with similar characteristics and consider their effectiveness for CORALIS demonstrators. Further success factors are supportive and deterrent factors have to be overcome. These are to be derived from the literature as well as in the specific cases surveyed using questionnaires, interviews and workshops.
• Task 6.4: This task encompasses the overall management of the process of construction of the physical demonstrator and the final commissioning, contract and stakeholder management. Complexity in the construction process arises from the project spanning over multiple property boundaries and from the proximity of other facilities, installations and residences. Because the demonstrator will be mainly financed by external, private financing, an important focus will be moving as quickly as possible to operations. Balancing the financial interest, the demonstrator interest and those of other stakeholders is a challenge of this task.
• Task 8.4: The aim of T8.4 is to build up the network and alliances which will make the IS cases happen in the long term. In particular, it is especially relevant the launch of sustainable structures involving the appropriate partners and supporters, both, direct beneficiaries companies and horizontal enablers with the mandate to support the implementation of the overall IS environment. This necessitates engagement activities in each of the CORALIS case to promote participatory processes in the definition of each IS case. The participatory process will be chaired by a series of workshop, which will be held in the respective IS cases.
• Task 8.5: The aim of the task is to apply the roadmapping method, based on the long-term vision developed in task 2.2 and sustained by task 8.4., in order to generate site-specific action plans toward implementation. Partner of all CORALIS demo cases will be supported in the development of a first draft of their IS strategy, to break down the defined visions and strategy into specific goals andmilestones.
• Task 10.4: This task will provide recommendations to foster the design of modern, future-proof and stakeholders-oriented IS policies and research agendas. This will be accomplished by debate through multi-actor engagement, connecting scientists, companies, managers of all kind related to IS practices, stakeholders and external collaborators. Recommendations will also tackle EU level and will point out at industrial recommendations for individual companies, regional initiatives, industrial associations and any other ecosystem which could act as facilitator of IS in the future. A set of easy-to-use and gather indicators will be produced at regional, national and EU level. The results will consider all related initiatives embedded in the concept of Circular Economy not only focusing on SPIRE sectors but beyond.
• Task 11.1: A detailed, comprehensive and agile communication and dissemination strategy and plan will be developed at the beginning of the project, being periodically updated and deployed along the project life cycle, to maximise its impact throughout the project and beyond. A roadmap to coordinate all the partners’ communication activities will be developed to align them to the target groups and objectives to achieve.
• Task 11.5.: This task will develop the training material and methodology for increasing the IS capacity of stakeholders. Prior to the training programme development, the already-existing national and regional IS related topics´ knowledge reservoirs will be analysed and, on this basis, a user-friendly format developed. As a complementary exercise, the leader of this task will gather from the CORALIS demo cases main skills demanded and related stakeholders. This will allow to point out the main topics of interest to sustain IS-related business models, support policies and funding instruments developed. Delivery of training courses will be carried out by the horizontal CORALIS partners.
These activities may involve collection of personal data (mainly contact details), however no sensitive data (e.g., health, religiosity, sexual practices) will be either collected or processed within CORALIS project. Information on the informed consent procedures about data processing and the involvement of human participants is presented in this deliverable. Besides, this deliverable contains the confirmation that the DPO has been appointed within the CORALIS project as well as the description of the technical and organizational measures that are implemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects/research participants.