Publishable summary:

This deliverable aims to address the ethics issues which may raise due to related activities within CORALIS project. CORALIS activities include the participation of external agents both in terms of recipient of dissemination materials and as beneficiaries in the project.

As a general overview the following actors will be involved within the project activities:
• Stakeholders interested in the project
• Entities to deliver dissemination materials
• Attendees to project events (workshops, conferences, etc.)
• Selected Beneficiaries for promoting value chains

In this sense the following tasks may be related to ethics´ issues:
• Task 8.3: The purpose of this task is to evaluate the feasibility of make use of spent caustic, one of TÜPRAŞ’ operational wastes, as the input of another production facility within the scope of industrial symbiosis. Accordingly, TÜPRAŞ will have the content analysis of the wastes produced in the refinery as phenolic and acidic characters. In accordance with the content, the relevant sectors where the waste can be evaluated will be researched with the support of İMMİB and the most suitable sector will be determined after the technical evaluation of TÜPRAŞ. In the designated sector, candidate companies that is feasibly near to Tüpraş will be evaluated for the spent caustic symbiosis. Tüpraş will investigate what is mandatory as a regulation in candidate companies for the industrial symbiosis. After determining suitable companies, technic and economic analysis will be carried out by TÜPRAŞ technical teams, considering logistics and processing costs.
• Task 8.4: The aim is to build up the network and alliances which will make the IS cases happen in the long term. In particular, it is especially relevant the launch of sustainable structures involving the appropriate partners and supporters, both, direct beneficiaries companies and horizontal enablers with the mandate to support the implementation of the overall IS environment. To this end, it is instrumental to increase the participation (if already existing) of a cluster organization or of an incubator which monitors the progress of each IS case. The participatory process will be chaired by a series of workshop, which will be held in the respective IS cases. In each CORALIS demo case, a coordinator/ chair will be identified and nominated to coordinate, monitor and measure the progress and structure to support the present and future agreements. In each case, the management structure might vary, adapting their specificities to each particularity. The approach should be tailored made to each case to fulfill the expectations of all the consulted stakeholders in this participatory process, gaining visibility and agreement among all the related bodies. In particular, the concept of Hubs for Circularity will be specially handled. In CORALIS, as part of the analysis, and in the search of covering the regional dimension, it is specially relevance the involvement of the regional and local stakeholders and authorities to ensure trust through case-specific discussions and tools. An exchange of information with them before, during and after the event will take place to gather all bottlenecks, concerns, opportunities and links possible. In each CORALIS cases, a specific process in selecting, inviting and gathering information.