Even though the concept industrial symbiosis (IS) has been around for decades there are still challenges that organizations need to overcome for its development and implementation. Early on within the Coralis project (within D3.1) efforts to identify scope of existing tools with the scope of supporting the development of IS was made. One important conclusion was that the majority of tools that are available today overlooks that the development of IS is dependent on human interactions and initiatives. Therefore, more effort should be placed on developing tools that encourage involvement of stakeholders and support collaboration between different areas of expertise and can support the “intensively human activity”1 that characterises IS scale up. In this case, our objective is to develop a user-friendly model enabling seamless input adjustments and instant results generation. This allows multiple participants to collaboratively explore various scenarios and evaluate system sensitivity. For example, the model can be employed during stakeholder meetings, involving growers or investors. The development of a tool that covers the perspectives of multiple actors has been the focus for the work carried out within task 6.1. The tool will henceforth within this document be mentioned as the
system model.