Publishable summary: The summary of the work within work package 6 concludes the work of bringing into full operation a full-scale greenhouse, supplied with waste heat and CO2 from BillerudKorsnäs papermill, thereby demonstrating Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) enabled with waste heat. The facility will demonstrate the physical industrial symbiosis of sharing CO2 and heat, as well as the business model between involved parties. The technical aspects of the symbiosis using waste-heat and CO2 as well as the design of the greenhouse are described in the annexes to this report.
One of the findings is the importance of the close collaboration between the greenhouse and aquaculture design teams to maximize the effect of the waste-heat and CO2 from the industry. The experience of using low-temperature heat to supply a greenhouse is limited, but through close collaboration with one of the leading greenhouse suppliers, the team has successfully designed a system that utilizes the low-temp heat in an efficient way. One of the key aspects of the project is the contracting between partners and parties involved in the symbiosis. Key parties, with a great impact on the success of the project are:
The industry, with whom we designed a system to extract waste heat and CO2 from the industrial processes and then buy the heat from.
The operators, who will operate the greenhouse and prawn farm and through the future rent will finance the project. A close collaboration with both technical questions as well as market analysis or offset of the future products is a key to success in this project.
The municipality and region who openly supported the project and with whom we established a close cooperation in many areas.
The municipal utility company, with whom we collaborate through a supply contract for electricity and heat for back-up purposes.
A project with this many aspects; reaching from technical design of heat-extraction for industrial processes, to municipal and regional processes for planning of land and securing a workforce for the operators, demands collaboration on many different levels. In the project we have worked closely with local partners to secure local presence and a good dialogue.